The weather is generally very good, in many areas of the country temperatures fluctuate around 30 degrees Celsius all the time. Sunny days are the overwhelming amount of the year. It is very difficult to find on cloudy days. Generally, there are 3 seasons in the country, i.e. the dry season, the rainy season and the hot season.
At the moment, climate change is also taking place here, sometimes during the dry season there is rainfall, and in the rainy season it can be a long time without rain. It is difficult to determine weather certainty as it was many years ago.
It is also difficult to meet days when heavy rainfall will last for a whole day or many days. Similarly, when it comes to cloud cover, it's difficult to meet cloudy days from morning to evening.
There is very strong sunlight on the islands, it is especially recommended to use strong creams with UV filters.
Thailand, due to its terrain, has a varied climate. The shoreline in the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea can have a fairly diverse climate.
In the northern part of the country in the mountainous regions in the higher parts of the hills there are temperature drops to levels of up to about 10 degrees, and at the same time in the cities below are about 30 degrees.
Often, rainfall can be short, but very intense, so that after an hour of rainfall, the streets of many cities can turn into rivers of water, because drainage wells can not keep up with the outflow of The highest temperatures in Thailand are recorded in the months of March and April and reach about 43 degrees, and the lowest temperatures occur in December or January and fall to about 20 degrees in most of the country and to about 5 degrees in the north. The period when temperatures drop to such low levels lasts no more than a week.excess water.
The highest temperatures in Thailand are recorded in the months of March and April and reach about 43 degrees, and the lowest temperatures occur in December or January and fall to about 20 degrees in most of the country and to about 5 degrees in the north. The period when temperatures drop to such low levels lasts no more than a week.